Christmas Pottery PAINT + GO Special - Sunday Funday: 24th November
Is this the right course for me?
Ceramic Collection Times
Paint & Go: Your bisque painted ceramics should be ready to collect within 6 weeks but we will contact when they are ready for collection.
Creating Art from clay: It can take approximately 3 months to get through this process as everything needs to be carefully dried to reduce risk of exploding/damage.
There is a huge amount of post event production that you don’t see to finish your ceramic Artwork which is why it can seem like a long time.
**It would be really helpful if you add our email to your contacts so that when we send out the collection email (probably towards the end of the month), you ought to receive it - sometimes they end up in spam!
We will include a notice on social media once collections dates have been arranged.
Course Highlights
Arrival Times
We kindly request that you arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before the event begins. This allows us the necessary time to finalise preparations and ensure that the studio is ready for your arrival. Your cooperation and understanding are greatly appreciated. Thank you.
What we love!
A 'not to be missed' Pottery Painting Christmas Special!
Christmas Decoration Painting Trio!
Join us for our Super Sunday, Festive Pottery Painting Fun!
What you'll paint:
1 x Bauble
1 x Xmas tree
1 x Xmas Star
Additional items can be purchased (prices start at £16 each)
Not sure you want all 3?
Book your participation ticket and purchase on the day!
* Discount included in FULL ACCESS TICKET!
Whether you like stripes, spots, stars or something a little more complex, get designing your Xmas motifs + patterns for your decoration, personalisation! Need to create one for each for the family? You can expand your collection by purchasing extras on the day!
Optional excuses to participate below:
1. Festive Friends Get together before the Chaos of Christmas
2. An escape from weekend chores
3. Scratch your creative itch
4. Meditative Zen finding mission
Seasonal Snacks & Refreshments!
Did someone say Christmas?
Well, we couldn't have an Xmas Paint + Go without some festive treats!
Mince Pies, Xmas Mimosa/Festive Punch + Seasonal Savoury snacks are all extras to our standard, Tea (inc herbal), Coffee, Water + biscuits!
When can you collect?
Please note your decorations will be ready in time for Christmas - we will email and in case we don't make it through your spam filters, will also share on social media too!
no later than 1 week before Christmas!
TICKET TYPES: What's the difference?
Access only - This ticket includes Studio Access and contributes towards firing, & glazing fees plus refreshments. With this ticket type you will still need to buy items to paint on top but you can choose when you arrive. Additional items start at £16 each.
All Access - this ticket includes everything above plus 3 decorations to paint on the day. You'll receive a tree, a star and a bauble to decorate in your favourite way. You are welcome to purchase additional items if you choose but it isn't required.